AZ Hot Sauce strives to help its players A.C.H.I.E.V.E. This mission is informed by our core values...
Our coaches and players take responsibility for their own actions and understand that our successes depend on each of us to give our best possible effort.
We are a team, from top to bottom, and we communicate our thoughts, feelings, and intentions in a clear and respectful manner, both on and off the field.
No single Hot Sauce coach or player is more important than the team - 'We'' takes precedence over 'Me.' We accept victory with grace and we offer gratitude to our families, coaches, and opponents for enabling us to play the game of lacrosse.
Our players and coaches are honest and demonstrate our core values through their actions. They preserve honor above outcome.
The Hot Sauce Way is to "bring the heat" by playing with energy, excitement, intensity, and passion while being fundamentally sound and smart.
We "Honor the Game" by always being prepared, giving maximum effort, and working together as a family to promote the sport of lacrosse. We respect the "Creator's Game" given to us by the First Nations by demonstrating sportsmanship and fair play in a fun, positive, and safe manner, and we offer gratitude to those who came before us.
Above all, we expect maximum effort and continuous improvement from our players and coaches. We demand that everyone on the field commit to quality.